Wednesday, October 19, 2011

Rehearsal Today and Wow I Got My Costume

Rehearsal today was good. We got to work with the parts a little more now because we knew who was who. HOWEVER, I was excepting a certain someone to show up that was had decided to cast as Melody. BUT apparently she just went home and completely FORGOT or something.
After rehearsal I went to goodwill to get a suit. Because in the role of Damon the Bad Guy we decided it would be most appropriate he wore a suit. I got lucky too. So I have it completed and only spent $25.94 total.
I wanted to email this video to The Purple Tiger to let her know that I got it and what it looked like however its too large of a file to send via email. So I'm just gunna put it on facebook. I guess you all get to see how beautiful it is now :I

1 comment:

  1. We will have to come up with time when you will be able to perform your production.
