Thursday, December 15, 2011

Wrap Up

Wow... This was SUCH a fun project! I really didn't expect it to be this much work. I mean, I knew it would be hard but it's was REALLY a lot harder than I thought it would be. Anyway my only regret about this project was that I wish we had more time to get everything done... :( And maybe if the people outside of band took it more seriously, that would've helped. But I'm very proud of this project and glad with how it turned out, we tried our best and it turned out ok. I really enjoyed taking a break from the regular band stuff. I mean band is a lot of fun, but just coming into class, sitting in the same spot, playing (pretty much) the same music everyday can get kind of repetitive. It was great to just break that every once in a while. I really enjoyed this project and hope we do it again next semester and continue to do it for a long time.

Monday, December 12, 2011


I know The Purple Tiger already posted a blog about this. But I really need to write something on here.
Yeah I wasn't able to make the last few rehearsals because of being sick off and on. The last time it was the lack of eating and drinking enough that caused me to miss. I'm getting that stuff all sorted out now...
Anyways so tomorrow we will being doing Filming. And...that's about it...YEUP.
Just got to remember to bring my suit to school.

Sunday, December 11, 2011


Ok... So we are most defently coming to MY house RIGHT after school on MONDAY the 12th! You have 1/2 an hour to get there or we start filming without you. So ask your parents if it's ok if you ride my bus or figure out a way to get here. We are filming a short 5 minute (tops) preveiw for our movie. Be there or be square!

Thursday, December 1, 2011


Wow... Theree is still so much to do!!!!!!!!!! We really need to start filming... We were going to start last week but turntechGodhead was sick so we were unable to. Yikes... Wish us luck!

Wednesday, November 16, 2011


So turntechGodhead won't be able to make it to rehersal... so it's cancled. :( Sadly.

Tuesday, November 15, 2011


This project has been so... Much... Writing, directing and now starring in a musical! Anyway, we ARE having rehersal Thursday (yes I do KNOW it's a 1/2 day)! It'll be in the cafateria (at least to start) but I'm fairly sure Mr. Matthys has some parent-teacher conferances so we might not be able to use the band room... Anyway, now that we have filled all the main parts of the play we'll FINALLY be able to start filming! HURRAY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Wish us luck! ^_^

Monday, November 14, 2011

Google Day Today

Sorry I haven't been blogging in a long time. I haven't really had the time and communication between The Purple Tiger and I hasn't exactly been ideal. Because I hadn't been on Google or Facebook last Thursday I had no idea about the rehearsal then. I talked to The Purple Tiger on the phone however when she called me. I've had it with this idiot dude who was supposed to show up and be Dave (because The Purple Tiger's sister was getting him to do it). I already very greatly dislike the freshman class this year so this guy's idiocy of never showing up is bull. I told The Purple Tiger to forget this guy and just play the part herself. So that's what we're doing. I am not going to deal with this disrespectful freshman's stupidity.
Today we had a Google Day in bad and we got some practicing and reading through done. We ran through parts with our Geoffy and some Dave parts with The Purple Tiger. After we felt good about we did I actually decided to read through the entire script with different voices for each characters. :I as a joke.

Tuesday, November 8, 2011


We're ready to FILM!!!!!!!!!!! some of it at least... But here we go! THURSDAY, RIGHT after school, in the lunch room, we're getting stuff done!

Thursday, November 3, 2011


Unfortunately, I had to cancel rehearsal today... :( Sorry! Family issues. Anyway, all plans are move back until NEXT Thursday (tentatively)...

Wednesday, November 2, 2011


It's been a while sense we've last posted... School has just been CRAZY! Sorry for forgeting to blog... I promise I'll be better now! Anyway, we're planning on filming the first couple of scenes for the first time tommorrow in rehersal. ^_^ Won't be final stuff but it'll help people see stuff they did right (or wrong as the case as be). And it'll give you guys an idea of how it's going.

Wednesday, October 19, 2011

Rehearsal Today and Wow I Got My Costume

Rehearsal today was good. We got to work with the parts a little more now because we knew who was who. HOWEVER, I was excepting a certain someone to show up that was had decided to cast as Melody. BUT apparently she just went home and completely FORGOT or something.
After rehearsal I went to goodwill to get a suit. Because in the role of Damon the Bad Guy we decided it would be most appropriate he wore a suit. I got lucky too. So I have it completed and only spent $25.94 total.
I wanted to email this video to The Purple Tiger to let her know that I got it and what it looked like however its too large of a file to send via email. So I'm just gunna put it on facebook. I guess you all get to see how beautiful it is now :I

Monday, October 17, 2011

What I've been up to

Sorry it took me so long to repost... School has been SO weird and hectic. Anyway, as turntechGodhead pointed out I have gooten some costumes and am in the process of altering them. We've casted our main part (FINALLY!) and now I'm taking down the script.... :( It's just too much to do in 2 months if we did all I wanted to... :( Either way, it's gonna be fun! I plan to have the altered script DONE (HURARY!) by rehersal on Wends. Wish me luck!

Another Rehearsal

We plan to have another rehearsal this Wednesday in the cafeteria because the band room will not be open.
We didn't have one last week because of how weird it of a week it was. There isn't much to talk about right now. The Purple Tiger went with another member of our team to good will and got things for costuming on saturday. I would have attended as well but I had a dentist appointment and missed it.

Thursday, October 6, 2011


Blogger is being weird and doesn't want to upload the videos in a timely fashion. So i put them all on our facebook group. Here is a link to them and they're terrible quality. We will get a video camera soon.

What Happened Today

I have some images and videos I need to send from my iPod to the computer so I can put them up, but I'm afraid the video's have very poor sound quality and you can't actually hear the voices on the auditions. Well On some of them. Next time House will bring his camera and then we can record on that. We got through some auditions but sadly a lot of people couldn't make it. So we still have auditions to do (only 7 people were there included The Purple Tiger and myself). I admit we did start to fool around at the end. But the games we started playing were relevant because they were not games they are ACTING EXERCISES (which did need to be exercised). And honestly I was trying to keep certain people on track. Yes I did get a bit crazy, but seriously, Do Not Horse Around. You're going to break something and you have to be respectful of the space. It ticked me off and I had to play responsible and get all stern-cross-voice poke-angry-shade-face on them for a bit and threaten to kick them out (which is SAD BECAUSE WE ONLY HAD 7 PEOPLE TODAY BECAUSE ALOT OF PEOPLE COULDN'T MAKE IT). I mean you'd think with even less people it would be easier to quiet them down and keep them from screwing off and being stupid.

I have a newfound extreme level of respect for Mr Matthys now. I don't know how you keep your cool with so many people off task and not listening well enough.

And the cruddy images taken with my iPod (The Purple Tiger took both of them, the other three pictures where even blurrier so I wont put them up)


Wednesday, October 5, 2011

Rehearsal Among Other Things

I know The Purple Tiger has already posted about this but I thought I might as well too. Rehearsal will be tomorrow after school until 5 pm (in the band room). As far as future rehearsal days during the week I'm only available on Tuesdays, Wednesdays, and Thursday. The Purple Tiger has just informed me that if we do have Wednesday rehearsals in the future she would end up having to leave early. Hopefully these days can work out for the other living organisms helping out with the musical. We just attempted to print the script we have so far (half of it done) but the paper loaded in the school printer had other crap on the back and some on the front and it messed up the text. Bluh. The Purple Tiger just left to notify our wonderful band teacher (about the problem and that the printer is out of paper as well) and we should get the script printed (we have plenty of time).
For those of you who are reading this who are going to participate in our miraculously improving musical be ready for tomorrow.
The Purple Tiger has just returned from the band room and has enlightened me on the fact that there will be paper soon and we shall get to printing the script.


Tuesday, October 4, 2011


Hurray! It's planned for Thursday, after school, in the band room! Everyone needs to be excited for me!

Monday, October 3, 2011


Got the intro for Damon (aka the evil character) and Dori done. Now I only have three or four scenes with these two left to write... Oy! I have alot to do. Better get started...

Sunday, October 2, 2011


I got the list of the songs used in the musical (as well as links on youtube) from The Purple Tiger a while ago. I'm going to look at the very soon. I would have done it sooner but it turns out my father went crazy and decided to buy a new computer for the upstairs. I know that I did complain about it here. But I'm very against upgrading technology. Go a head and call me a hipster about it. It's just the way I am. I really hate this new keyboard and trackpad crap and its very inconvenient. I also greatly dislike how huge the screen is. But it is faster. Its going to take some getting used to. Anyways, becoming more familiar with the songs will help me out a lot so I can contribute to the script.

Saturday, October 1, 2011


Just got around to emailing Mr. MaGranaham (sorry if I spelled that wrong) about using the stage for rehersal and should get an answer soon... Hopefully. Wish us luck!

Tuesday, September 27, 2011

Reading The Script So Far

I noticed that The Purple Tiger already mentioned I was at the beach this weekend (friend stuff and photoshoot stuff). I wasn't able to really get any internet accesses time while I was there (i don't see this friend much because she goes to jesuit). Anyways, now that I'm back and had enough computer time I've read over the draft of the script that The Purple Tiger sent me. It's good (though I wouldn't trust me to do editing as far as grammar and spelling because that my major weakness in writing). I noticed that she decided on the main Character's name to be Dave. This was apparently suggested to her by Evan...And of course this was and is just to bug the freaking heck out of myself and David (just because of that one weekend for her birthday...and because I cosplay Dave Strider). This is not to be mistaken as our sublime band teacher's first name ( many daves...). (Another ironic thing I just realized that's a bit off topic is that Dave Strider's title is Knight of Time....And the Dave in the play is a Knight....I know The Purple Tiger isn't aware of that. I just find it funny).
After reading this, dear gog, I realize that I need to get the list off all of the movies and songs from her. I...don't know a lot of those songs/references and really need to brush up if I'm going to help out on the writing aspect.


Monday, September 26, 2011

Started new scene

This (most likely) will be the longest in the play, the one where Melody goes missing! OH NO!!!!!!!!! Should be done soon... turntechGodhead was at the beach this weekend so she didn't get much done... Just an update on how things are going.

Thursday, September 22, 2011


Just finished the 3rd scene... Sent updated script to turntechGodhead... now I need a nap... Good night everyone. Oh! I also found out that someone's been tearing down our posters! :( What's up with that!?!

Wednesday, September 21, 2011


We are no longer at an impass! Me and turntechGodhead went and talked to our principal and got him to actually let us put up some flyers! Hopefully we'll get some actors that are interested! Wish us luck!

We Are At An Impass

The Purple Tiger has emialed our Principle about putting up the flyers. However since we checked her email it has been made known to us that we will not be able to put the poster up. Though we were told that we could talk to him in person for further detial. And that is what we plan to do.
Worst case senario we will have to think of a different way to advertise to the stutents about getting actors for Collage O Moviecal.


Tuesday, September 20, 2011

What I'm up to

Ok. So I'm off to go and print some posters so I can put them up and hopefully get some more actors that are interested in this. Then to write AT LEAST one more scene and re-email the begining script to turntechGodhead and hopefully it will work this time. Off I go!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Monday, September 19, 2011

Oh Blogger And Your Technical Format

Just thought since I was trying to deal with stuff for this blog that I would update on what I have done:

  • I changed the colors of the format (now its pretty. sort of. i wonder what The Purple Tiger with think)
  • I added a cbox. This is something I have used on other sites I've made for a quick way to chat that will be saved for long periods of time. I was thinking it may potentially make some of the communication a little bit easier rather then all by email (or facebook). It also allows anon to write short messages as well. This of which may come in handy for those who will be working on the play apart from the 20% project, like some of the actors/actresses.
  • I will note apart from bloggers annoying format, I attempted to open up the file that The Purple Tiger sent me via email about a small rough portion of the script. Sadly I have an old crotchety PowerPC Mac with a very out-dated format of Word (2004) and was unable to open up the downloaded file (.docx). I emailed her back indicating that I could view it on google, but would not be able to edit it. However I was mistaken at the time and after further investigation have discovered that I can save it on google. It will even let me edit it on google documents as well. I still haven't had the chance to read it all the way through (I've only glanced at it). But I will get to it as soon as I can (after i finish other homework things, like pre-calc and uhm watching my little pony: friendship is magic is definitely a priority...).
It's the small steps like this that slowly bring us ever so slightly closer to getting somewhere with the massively large task we have at hand.


this is my welcome

so i supposed that you read the wonderful welcome written by the other creator of this spectacular musical (in all honesty she has done most of the work with picking things out already)
hopefully things will go realatively smoothly (yet with my usual luck thing will get bumpy and topple over into a ditch giving us a situation in which neither of us will have an easy time getting out of)
in the case that thing do get
how do i put this with out profanity
screwed up
you (whoever does decided to look at this thrown together blog) will get to read (possibly watch or look at) every moment of our mistakes and triumphs (hopefully more of one)

in an attempt to bring this post to a close i say good luck
to those of you reading
and to us
because trust me (I roleplay as The Doctor) we'll need it



This is our Google Project for Mr. Matthys' Symphonic band! Me (The Purple Tiger) and my friend(turntechGodhead aka Dave), are writting a screenplay for a musical called (you guessed it) Collage O Moviecal. It's a play that has a LOT of movie quotes that our actors are going to play out in real life. Anyway check for updates regularlly, as we will be posting (hopefully) every 1 or 2 days.
(") (")